AGM 2020 Minutes & Reports

MINUTES OF TUDOR SQUARES AGM Held on the 28 September 2020 via zoom

1. Welcome and Apologies
The meeting commenced at 7.30pm with Jenny Thirlwell welcoming everybody. There were 30 members including 3 callers present.
Apologies received from Kath Walwyn, Simon and Trudy Fielding, Anne Reardon and Grant Thorne and Linda and Chris Gill.


Committee Present:

Jenny Thirlwell – Chair

Colin and Tracy Hawkins – Treasurers

Andrew Agathangelou – Secretary

Susi Kelly – Callers Representative
Simon Kelly

Nick Bedford – Advanced Representative

Paul Godley – Beginners Representative

Michael Ross- Mainstream Rep

Terry Thirlwell – Public Relations Officer

Elena Hadaway – Plus Representative

(Elena has resigned as the Plus Representative for 2020 due to personal circumstances)


  1. Minutes of Previous AGM held on the 3 October 2019

Minutes accepted unanimously as true record of the meeting.

3. Matters Arising  – Simon Kelly pointed out that the Minutes of the 2019 AGM did not give details of the amendments to the constitution which were agreed in 2019. All changes are in the Organisation and Administration section of the Constitution and are as follows:

Point 5
The representatives for each section shall be proposed by the members regularly attending that section and such proposal must be submitted in writing to the cur- rent chairman at least 21 days before the AGM.
(note: 28 days changed to 21 days)

Point 16
The time frame for holding the AGM was amended from “Annual General Meeting will be held each year in October to“Annual General Meeting will be held each year within 4 months from the end of the Financial Year and generally in October”

Point 17

56 days notice of the date of the AGM will be given to each section of the club to pass on to its members.

Changed to
“4 weeks notice of the date of the AGM will be posted on the Web site and given to each section of the club to pass on to its members.”

  1. Chairperson’s Report (see Attached) Chairperson report AGM 2020

(In summary)

Tudor Squares continues to be one of the largest square dance clubs in the country.

However the club should not be complacent because of the effects of Covid-19, which is causing major concerns regarding the health of the club.

a) Special mention was given to Michael Ginger and Maureen Flint who passed away in 2020, both of whom were long standing and valued members of Tudor Squares.

b) Mention should also be made of the deaths of Una Jeffery and Irene Dimmer who were founder members of the club, Irene was a Basic/MS caller from 1982 – 2010. ( information added after the AGM)

c) Thanks to Elena, who has stepped down as Plus Rep. All the committee members were thanked for their work and support this year.

d) Thanks were given to our Callers Phil, Debbie and Becca Peel, Simon and Trudy Fielding, Simon and Susie Kelly, Andrew Agathangelou

5. Treasurer’s Report
The Club finances are very healthy, regrettably cancellation of the Mainstream Dance at short notice incurred a charge of £200.

All sections made a surplus, apart from Beginners.
Members wishing to see the full report should contact the Treasurer

6. Sections Reports

Beginners’- none

Mainstream – none

Plus – none
Advanced – None
Callers’s representative – See attached Callers Report 28.9.20AGM

7. Future
No annual subscription required for 2020

  1. Amendments to the Constitution

A further amendment to the constitution was proposed by Tracy Hawkins – see Section 11 – Any Other Business

  1. Election of Officers and Committee.
    The following have agreed to remain on the Tudor Squares Committee.

Chairperson – Jenny Thirlwell
Treasurer  – Tracy & Colin Hawkins

Secretary Andrew Agathangelou

PRO – Terry Thirlwell
Beginners Rep – Paul Godley
Mainstream Rep – Michael Ross
Plus Rep – in abeyance
A Group Rep – Nick Bedford
Callers – Susie Kelly

  1. Annual Subscription and Weekly fees
    No change to the annual and weekly fees were proposed. These remain as:

    1. a)  Annual Subscription for 2020/2021 £0
    2. b)  Weekly Fee tba
  1. Any other Business

Tracy proposed to change the financial year from “1st September to 31st August” “
to “1st January to 31st December”, as it will make the accounts easier. This motion was seconded by Carole Ross and was adopted, although this will require a change to the constitution at Finance Point 1 and in Organisation and Administration at Point 16.

The meeting closed at 9.30pm

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