Welcome to TUDOR SQUARES Square Dance Club
Tudor Squares, your local square dance club.
If you are interested in learning more about American Square Dancing and would like to find out about joining the next Tudor Squares
See our Web site for more information https://www.tudorsquares.org.uk/
Tudor Squares Club contacts:
Paul Godley: chair@tudorsquares.org.uk
Webmaster : webmaster@tudorsquares.org.uk
The Official website of the British Association of American Square Dance Clubs.
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London & Home Counties Regional Callers Assembly (L&HCRCA)
LOCAL Square Dance Clubs
All Square At Zero Square Dance Club
called by Kevin Lovell
Our Regular Club Nights…
We currently run regular eveings and afternoons for Beginners and graduated dancers for Mainstream, Plus and Advanced as detailed below …
Beginners + Mainstream
We hold a Beginners and Mainstream evening every Wednesday night (with a few exceptions), from 7:30pm to 10pm at the Village Hall (aka. Community Centre) in Little Brickhill, Watling Street, MK17 9LZ.
During these evenings we teach our new dancers as well as providing dancing and workshopping of other Mainstream moves to allow dancers to both practice and develop.
During these Wednesday nights we also do some Line Dancing – teaching each dance we do so no experience is needed.
Mainstream + Plus
We hold a Mainstream and Plus evening every Monday night (except the 1st Monday of each month) at the village hall in Little Brickhill.
We start dancing at 6:40pm with 45 minutes of Tough Plus.
From 7:30pm to 10pm we dance Mainstream and Plus (teacing Plus to our regulars when needed)
followed at 10pm by a final tough Plus tip.
During these evenings we alternate between the two levels with very short breaks ensuring dancers get as many tips as possible – moves are workshopped as necessary and all of the tips will be multi-position dancing.
Dances Mainstream & Plus on Monday at 7.30pm to Kevin Lovell. All Mondays except 1st of month.
Contact: Annika Lovell 07796 695 575
Email: annika@all-square-at-zero.co.uk
Website: http://www.all-square-at-zero.co.uk
We are a dance club with around 75 members which meets weekly to enjoy the pleasure of Modern American Square Dancing. Our Club Callers are Simon and Trudy Fielding and we dance the Mainstream programme. In addition to the weekly dance programme the club promotes a Saturday night dance each year, featuring a guest caller and inviting the participation of dancers from other clubs.
Graduated dancers are also welcome to come along to any club night.
Email: waggonerssdc@gmail.com
Website: www.waggonerssquaredanceclub.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Waggoners.SDC/
Activ8’s Square Dance Club. |
Program |
Plus- Wednesday 8- 10 pm A1 – Saturday 7.30pm |
Callers & Cuers |
Simon Fielding, Trudy Fielding 01582 735118 |
Venue |
Batford Methodist Church Hall, Lower Luton Road, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, AL5 5AH |
Cuffley Square Dance Club
Meets on Sundays at Cuffley Youth and Community Centre, Station Road Cuffley, EN6 4EY
Welcomes new members, come and learn square dancing for fun and friendship.
. For more information contact:
Phil on 01582 668365
Email: cuffleysdc@ntlworld.com
For more information about Square Dance moves, and calls
Check these links:
Taminations are the Square Dance animations of the Tam Twirlers Square Dance Club. Here you will find animations for calls from Mainstream throughPlus, Advanced & Challenge. Most calls have several animations from different starting positions
SaddleBrook Squares
Video Square Dance Lessons Online
One of the most important resources available to a beginning or experienced square dancer is our video DVD that illustrates all the calls in Mainstream and Plus Level dancing. Lessons taken from that DVD are offered online here. To play these videos smoothly, you will need a high speed Internet connection.